Thursday, August 02, 2007

Finding work-life balance

Top seven ways to balance work-life

7. One life, one day book.

Keeping separate calendars can easily lead to conflicts between work tasks and home-life commitments. By scheduling everything in the same place, you're less likely to miss out the preparation for assignments and at the same time not miss your mother’s birthday.

6. Cant spare a week, take an hour.

You don't always need an extended vacation to unwind. Instead, set aside an hour each day to enjoy something completely unrelated to work -- a short walk, a workout, or a chapter or two in a book. Quality, not quantity.

5. Audit your weekly schedule.

Keep a log of everything you do during the week, from assignments to commuting to watching TV. With a sense of how the scales tip to one side or the other, you'll be better able to re-balance them.

4.Plan and protect downtime

Don't take leisure time for granted. A day in front of the TV is no substitute for a nice time with family, a trip to the near by mall, or a hanging out with friends. Also, get routine household chores done on workdays, which will free up your days off for bigger and better things.

3.Know your options

More than ever, new technology is offering employers and employees alike greater flexibility with work schedules. This includes everything from a compressed workweek, to flex hours, job-sharing, and telecommuting.

2. Get your priorities straight.

Take the time to decide what's important for you. Then, try devoting your full attention to one thing at a time -- concentrate on work at work, and family at home.

1. Stop being the boss

Entrepreneurs tend to be control freaks, that can be good for business, but bad for downtime. Whether it's paying the bills or organizing a trip, why not let family and friends run the business of your life every now and then.


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